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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why do something in 3 months, when you can do it in 17 years?

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The forum on rediff is a place filled with gems of wisdom and highly intellectual polemics.

Like these two discussions over a diet plan

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

We've been hearing a lot about Swine Flu. But it seems as though the true scale of the 'pandemic' has missed us. To know what I'm talking about, check this map here. It gives the number of cases by country. Just to give you an idea:

- The number of confirmed cases globally stands at 46664
- 20522 of those are in the United States alone
- There are 34 confirmed cases in India. 10 of those are in Hyderabad. The highest in the country.

Please go through these prevention steps as I believe those of us working in offices, where international visitors are common, should know this. Be careful of those touristy places where lots of foreigners are present.

Keep safe!

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